Stampede Charge - While out of lock and sprinting, hold the guard break button to scoop up enemies and carry them over a long distance.Performed by doing a zone attack after any chain attack. Raider’s Fury - Unblockable chain ender that comes from the right guard.Raider’ Storm - An unblockable zone attack that comes from the left guard.Raider’s basic combo chains encourage mixups to keep your opponents guessing, but his full kit encourages aggressive gameplay to keep : Raider’s basic combo chains are as follows:
Also, just as a forewarning, this article assumes you know For Honor terminology. This article aims to help introduce new players to this Hero and hopefully give veteran players a few helpful tips. They march through the battlefield wielding a Dane Axe, chopping their opponents to bits like a lumberjack but the trees are people. The Raider is the Vanguard-class Hero for the Vikings.