The film follows the story of Michael Jones, a mental patient at Brookhaven Hospital, as he undergoes psychotherapy sessions with his psychiatrist Dr. It is also available for free download as a burnable DVD image file.
The film is presented in 6 separate episodes (note: episode’s 5 and 6 were split into 5 segments on youtube due to their length (5a,5b,6a,6b,final)), and can be found on both Youtube and Nick’s website. Music from several sources is also utilized, with music from the soundtracks of the first four Silent Hill games most prominent. No Escape was created solely by Greenlee, using 3D models from several sources, and cheap 3D modeling programs. It is a completely original story, not based on any pre-existing Silent Hill media.
The film is written, directed and animated by Nick Greenlee.
Silent Hill No Escape is a 2005 fan-made CGI film based on the Silent Hill series by Konami.